Thursday, June 28, 2007


When we are first born and/or born again our lives are to literally mimic that of Jesus the Christ. As a Christian when GOD looks upon “YOU” He sees Jesus the Christ and the sacrifice that was made on our behalf. When we as a people become born again, then get a little training/teaching about God, you will desire to spend most all your time with Him, especially if He has manifested His goodness towards you (I.e. given you something, healed you, etc). Yet at that current stage you are considered a babe in Christ, and because you are a babe/baby God has assigned you SPIRITUAL/EARTHLY PARENTS and you will be drawn to them!

The Holy bible says that GOD our Heavenly Father is Creator of all things (REV 4:11 amp). The instructions given to the first images of God were - BE fruitful, multiply (reproduce), and fill the earth (Gen 1:28 amp). That scripture in no way mentions that WE ARE CREATORS. We were all assigned parents (earthy) and pastors (spiritual) to teach us how to BE ( Eph 4:12-13). Pastors/parents teach us how to be the church/child//man/Jesus! Our assigned parents/pastors are not to INSTRUCT us ( 1 John 2:27 amp). “Instruct” in this context means they are not to tell us what to do with our lives and/or decide which direction we are to pursue for our lives. Teaching you to BE means being an example (I Peter 5:1-3) of how God requires you to behave,act, and be, in order to come before His Holy presence. (I.e. praying, fasting, worship), to build you up (Eph 4:11 amp), so you can realize that YOU are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, etc. They are literally here to serve you (Luke 22:26/ Rom 12:1 amp). There is also an ordainment (prohpetic confirmation of giftings by the elders) for those that are APART of a structured church body, this particular process is not practiced as much, or at all in todays church gatherings.

In spite of this knowledge we tend to think that our children/church members are ours. God/ Jesus has dedicated all to Himself (old test Lev 12:1-4, new test John 17:19). The children/discipled ones are only ours to watch over - to raise them up in the way that they should go, til they all come into the unity of faith. Yet parents/pastors grow to love the children/church members, spoil them, pacify them, and they will continue to do so forever, ESPECIALLY if the child has not expressed an interest in wanting to DO OR BE!

EX- If you took a new born baby away from his/her creator and put them in the arms of pastors/parents, the child would be content for a while, but eventually depending on the age of the child, he or she will want to get down, walk, talk, explore, search out new things, and try their new abilities. Now does the child have to ask for permission to walk, talk, explore - NO! The parents/pastors may be a little stunned by these actions, yet the creator of the child has been all the while expecting the child to become! Walk out his or her predestined call. The call for a new born Christians is when we start out in the processes of learning to “BE” walk, talk, search, explore. Our heavenly father/our creator is quietly calling us back into His arms to spend time with HIM! God is patient to let the flesh trap itself, because He knows that the flesh gravitates towards sin. The baby gets drawn by the call of drugs, alcohol, bills, jobs, and entangled by the cares of life, because the child has not spent enough time with his or her creator to recognize His voice. The child was not designed to be entangled in such cares so the child begins to CRY out looking for consolation. The child’s creator sends help. The creator may come himself, or he may send a helper.

The child begins to spend a little more time getting to KNOW his creator, and then the child truly begins to grow, and because what the child is to become is inside of him or her and needs to be walked out/lived out, God lets the child GO (out into the world), yet all the time He is with the child. The child has been placed where he is needed to be, given the proper instructions, and a helper (Gen 1:15-18 amp). Because our minds are ever growing, learning, and ready to imitate what has been learned, it continues to have questions. Yet quite often when the child has questions he or she does not go and study the creators instructions, and or seek the creator for answers, even after spending time with the creator. The child goes and seeks out the earth parents and/or pastors for direction for their life. The parents/pastors presume to correct the situation of the child, giving answers to the child’s questions based on their personal experience, instead of directing the child toward the creators instructions (the holy bible). Now some personal experience place indirectly toward the child is beneficial, yet ultimatley the child will receive more of a divine personal revelation when they seek and find on their own, when taught by the parent/pastor how to listen and discern for themselves the voice of GOD. But in today's society most pastors/parents take it upon themselves to correct the situation of the child, thus causing the child to become more dependent (enabled) upon others and confused, because the parents/pastors could never answer questions for the child, pertaining to their direction in life. The pastor/parent must be viewed by speaking on behalf of God rather than themsleves. Again the parents/pastors are given to teach the child how to be, not what to be (Eph 4:11 amp). The child’s purpose, hopes, and dreams have been placed inside of them, waiting all along to grow, manifest, and be. No one being can assist with this direction, only GOD. God is a Three part being, in whose image we were created to be.

When Adam the first being was created he was only allowed to complete the process of being a living soul (being) (Gen 2:7 amp). We know from the Holy bible that God is 1. A living soul (creator/father/being), 2. The word (son), and 3. Holy Spirit. Jesus is our perfect example He is the word made flesh. This is the transformation we are designed to become. God is calling you to complete the next step #2 (word/son/daughter) in being made into the image of GOD. Walking in and living out the transformation process of #2 also aids up in becoming more spiritual, which leads us to transformation process #3. Yet we do not become a complete “Spirit” until we Die to our flesh, and we do not become a “HOLY” Spirit until we die physically and become resurrected (Eph 5:27), as is the example set forth by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Then only will we truly be made in the image God. We must abide (become/live) in God’s holy word, instead of abiding in what the world thinks we should do or be. When we begin to live, abide, be Gods word, the questions regarding our purpose in life, fear and doubt in living our life, and confusion goes completely away. Our direction becomes clear. We then can GO out make disciples (CHILDREN), be fruitful, and multiply in a way that we are given to do (Eph 4:11), using our special giftings (natural and spiritual). Hopefully the child will grown up dedicated to the truth ( John 17:19 amp), and repeat the cycle to train up others the correct way until we all come into a unity (body/family) of faith in GLORIFY the truine GOD!

We must all strive to hear what we are called to become. It’s my prayer that people everywhere stop going to church and become the church. Stop sitting in church time after time getting spiritually FAT, learning how to be, but waiting on direction. IF this is allowed to continue the Child/church will DIE again (spiritually). God/creator has given you His desires for you (they are all the plans, hopes, and dreams you have). An example of all that has been said can be summed up in LUKE 2:49 amp. Remember God is always with us and He has equipped us with much power, instructions, and great help for every good work, yet it is our freewill to choose to use all that God has made available to us.

1. Male and Female or man and womb man/woman are the same = MAN (reproducer/imitator of God). Man is given a helper (john14:26), but it is important that we learn how to empower our helper to our benefit otherwise we become defenseless against the enemy (Gen 3:1-6 amp). Now see (Gen 2:18 amp) - I don’t want to paint the wrong picture, this scripture refers to GOD creating EVE (Woman) to be Adams helper. We know from the bible that the word of God and the Spirit of the Lord go hand in hand. The word of God is the Sword that the Holy Spirit fights with (sword of the spirit). if we discern the scripture closer we will see that (Gen 3:1-6) is not about man and woman, but instead shows that the helper given to MAN was NOT correctly equipped with the Word of God, this made the MAN vulnerable causing him to be fed deception, and lies, instead of the truth. Know how to empower your helper ( the Holy Spirit) to aid you in the most effective way!

2. Please note that the hopes, dreams that were placed inside of you. The call that you are to live out is not only for your benefit! For this we are to observe the scriptures (Gen 16 - 22 amp)


Paraphrased: (Gen 15) God said to Abraham, the plan, vision, hope, dream of something great is inside of you, and in time you will walk into the manifestation of your calling, if you do not loose sight, don’t give up hope, follow His instructions, and empower your helper with my word.
Abraham is the perfect example of how we are talked into something by others (enemy/friends/relatives) to accomplish something we really want, in our own way and for our own benefit, instead of searching out the true purpose of our God given gift, hope, and dream, living the Journey, enjoying every moment, astounded by the miracles and blessing that come, receiving more than you can stand, so much so that your children’s, children’s, children are blessed thereof, when we are yielded to him!. PROVE HIM!

Go out into the world make disciples and baptize them in the name of Jesus the Christ!

Your (Spiritual/Natural giftings - don’t die with this knowledge pass it along to those who share the same passion!)

The mission - to raise DISCIPLES/children/men/woman/Jesus!

What is is next after discipleship - baptize (water and Holy Spirit) and teach them to BE, and encourage them to repeat the cycle. “Matt 28:19-20”

How do you complete such a task? - honor/obey(listen) to your
parents/pastors, Love the Lord God almighty with ALL, LOVE, Then offer yourself as a living sacrifice to GOD (yield to him and his way of doing things (ROM 12:1/MATT 6:33), Spend time with the creator to discover your true purpose (what you are called to DO/BE) - OBSERVE, this is the role you will play in teaching others how to be (Eph 4:11), then you will use what you are passionate about, your hopes and dreams), (proverbs 29:18) to accomplish this task
Finally - YOU WILL NEED A PLAN OF YOUR OWN TO UTILIZE ALL OF THE ABOVE! What‘s your plan? (proverbs 16:9)

****Remember it is not ABOUT YOU! All is for the Glory of GOD, AMEN! (Rom 12:1 amp)

- Discipleship is when the person you are training/teaching can take the core of what you believe (your vision), take ownership of it, and use it in their own way, then teach others to repeat the process.

my EX - Jesus has given us the vision - make disciples, we can take His vision, own it, implement it in a way that is in line with our purpose given from God ( evang, teacher, pastor, prophet, exhorter, server, etc), by way of what we are passionate (hopes, dreams) about. because sometimes our purpose in life and our passion in life are not the same.


According to the Holy bible “Luke 6:12 - Luke 9” When Jesus the parent/pastor gathered His church members/children He spent time with them teaching them about:
- compassion and respect for others
- dying to self
- showing love
- dealing with persecution when it comes and it will come
- giving not expecting to receive
- having mercy
- not condemning and judging others unrighteously
- examining yourself to live out righteousness and not be hypocritical, before you go out
- Obey what you have learned (stick to the script it works)
Then He became an example to the disciples showing them, giving them faith, building up their confidence to raise the dead, heal the sick, and forgiving others of their sins!
Then the disciples were instructed to Go and BE what they had been taught, and preach only
(not teach, they were not ready to teach at this point) - “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”
( paraphrased - turn away from sin - Gods power, blessings, and forgiveness, awaits those that believe)! Jesus had to instruct them on What to say and Do otherwise Jesus/pastor/parent himself would have been glorified ( and the moment was not right), and the disciples would have preached on what they perceived went on (personal experiences), and the vision of the pastor/parent/Jesus would have been lost. Now whosoever would believe on the message that the disciples were sent to preach, and believed on the miracles that they performed could come back with them and be put up under the TEACHINGS of the parent/pastor=Jesus - ( Luke 10:1 - the seventy), until they were ready to go and teach/make disciples on their own
- This particular task was implemented to give the disciples a feel for what was up ahead (hands on training) - so they could gain more questions to ask the teacher. This was not about making a disciple at this time, but rather being discipled, training them up in the way they should go! Be encouraged to let your flocks go and be and bring others back to learn, after you have given them a perfect example. Key - send them out in pairs.

According to the theme of the Holy Bible No one is truly ready to be on their own teaching/parenting/pastoring unless they are under the guidance of a gifted/inspired instructor/teacher (representing the example of Jesus), and/or unless they have spent atleat 3 years personally (on their own) under the direction of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit) (see the four gospels and Galatians). Then aside from what they have learned from their parents/pastor there must be a calling ( the Holy Bible is our calling and instructions). Once you recieve your calling, and once your purpose has been revealed to you from personally spending time with the Father of Fathers, make a plan, God will order your steps, now GGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Caution - go according to you calling/purpose
dont become a pastor/teacher or anything elso because you have the skills to do so, or for money, there will be no fruit from that - know your calling. Some today feel led to grow , they have become matured, but don't understand the next level. They think it is time to go church hopping, joining other church bodies - NOT SO, when you begin to feel as if this is something missing from church - God is calling you to spend time with Him personally - to press in more for the things of GOD, and He will bring you to the next level, until completion. None of us are to stay inside the church walls forever - we are called to Go out, your assignment maybe to form another part of the church body, Let GOD be your spiritual covering , it make take some time to get acclamated to the next level, so never forsake the assembling with other believers - God bless


IMAGINE ALL generations from all the nations of the globe praying to the one True God Yes, can you imagine the effect when people from 220 nations of the globe fill stadiums, community centers, city squares, churches and all kinds of buildings for one purpose to Glorify GOD...Praying in a unity of faith (belief) that Jesus is the perfect son of God - saying, "Come Lord Come!”

Take it upon yourselves to plan and gather corporately with the world, with your congregation, family, or better yet setting aside all indifferences and unite with your city and town (all church bodies and people everywhere) - praying COME LORD JESUS COME!

For questions or comments and /or to request part two of this teaching, please send an email to (with your name and put "PART 2 of child of God in the subject line")

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Anonymous said...

What a Blessed Word _ ia m inspired.

Anonymous said...

what a great trues has meat to grow by BE BLESSED!

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